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Posted by on 5th July, 2013

Javascript projects I should be looking into

Javascript projects I should be looking into

I give up. I just posted a list of jQuery plugin libraries that I need to look into and then find this site., brands itself as: “every javascript project you should be looking into”. That is ridiculous. I will never, ever have enough time to look into even a fraction of these libraries. Did you see how many libraries there are? In any case, I am adding another bookmark for a site that makes me feel very small: The site is primarily focused on micro libraries, utilities, and other JS wizardry that can run in a browser. The site is not an automated directory. The site owner reads all the documentation and attempts to write an example that runs in the browser for every single library added to the site. This all takes time and is motivated by a deep and possibly unhealthy love of JavaScript. If you are looking for something about package managers, scaffolding software, etc. check out: read more And…as if that wasn’t enough, a...

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Posted by on 5th July, 2013

jQuery plugin repository

jQuery plugin repository

Trying to follow and learn all the available, and quickly appearing jQuery plugins is a bit like drinking from a firehose. There are just so many libraries and so many effects and features to try. Some of them are good, some great… and some not so much. is a site that tries to be a showcase for all jQuery plugins. Going over 700 plugins strong, anyone can add a new library they stumbled upon on Github or elsewhere and user “thumbs up” points are used to weed out the good from the bad ones. Each plugins shows tags, views and there is even an option to save your own favourites. All in all, a decent site to find a neat feature or effect that you need for your next project. Bookmarked. read more Edit: of course, you should also keep the original jQuery plugin repository...

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