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Posted by on 5th July, 2013

Javascript projects I should be looking into

Javascript projects I should be looking into

I give up. I just posted a list of jQuery plugin libraries that I need to look into and then find this site., brands itself as: “every javascript project you should be looking into”. That is ridiculous. I will never, ever have enough time to look into even a fraction of these libraries. Did you see how many libraries there are? In any case, I am adding another bookmark for a site that makes me feel very small: The site is primarily focused on micro libraries, utilities, and other JS wizardry that can run in a browser. The site is not an automated directory. The site owner reads all the documentation and attempts to write an example that runs in the browser for every single library added to the site. This all takes time and is motivated by a deep and possibly unhealthy love of JavaScript. If you are looking for something about package managers, scaffolding software, etc. check out: read more And…as if that wasn’t enough, a...

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Posted by on 5th July, 2013

jQuery plugin repository

jQuery plugin repository

Trying to follow and learn all the available, and quickly appearing jQuery plugins is a bit like drinking from a firehose. There are just so many libraries and so many effects and features to try. Some of them are good, some great… and some not so much. is a site that tries to be a showcase for all jQuery plugins. Going over 700 plugins strong, anyone can add a new library they stumbled upon on Github or elsewhere and user “thumbs up” points are used to weed out the good from the bad ones. Each plugins shows tags, views and there is even an option to save your own favourites. All in all, a decent site to find a neat feature or effect that you need for your next project. Bookmarked. read more Edit: of course, you should also keep the original jQuery plugin repository...

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Posted by on 28th May, 2013

Pure: ridiculously simple CSS modules

Pure: ridiculously simple CSS modules

Yes. Pure is a set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project. Together or independently, pure CSS modules that enable you to put layouts in place and styling for native HTML elements, including the most common UI components. Zero Javascript: just CSS and at only 5.7Kb. If you just need the modules individually, you can only call the ones that you need, and since it is just simple CSS code, you can easily override or extend any part of it in your pages. read...

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Posted by on 28th May, 2013

Audio visualization in HTML 5

Audio visualization in HTML 5

I love seeing new approaches and mashups of different technologies and when my friend Sann-Remy posted this fascinating experiment, I had to re-post it. He is using Web Audio API together with WebGL and making it work with three.js, a sophisticated 3D library for rendering objects in space on an HTML 5 canvas or WebGL. I don’t have much more to say than that I am very inspired by his work and that it raises the bar for my next experiment… ok Sann-Remy, it’s on! 🙂 See the experiment (use Google Chrome to see it and make sure to wait for the sound to load): read...

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Posted by on 15th May, 2013

Machinegun Javascript effect

Machinegun Javascript effect

This is definitively one of those effect that keep you waiting for the rest, that may, or may not come. Guaranteed to keep you glued to the screen till the end, simply because your curiosity is stronger than your will power. A short machineGun(); function takes the text as a parameter and does an intriguing text effect. Just around 20 lines of code! Only a few years back, we thought this stuff could only be done with Flash… read...

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Posted by on 17th March, 2011

Hyperlink in RichTextBox

Hyperlink in RichTextBox

Today I learned that the default C# RichTextBox control does not handle hyperlinks out of the box. Wait, it doesn’t..? How is that possible? Yes, hard to believe. So, two hours later, I found a workaround: if you do want to have hyperlinks work, you need to do the following: First, set the DetectUrls property on the RichTextBox control to True. Then, open the Designer.cs file and find the generated code block for the RichTextBlock properties and handlers. Add the following line: Add RichTextBlock handler this.myRichTextBox.LinkClicked += new LinkClickedEventHandler(this.myRichTextBox_LinkClicked); Add the Eventhandler method Add RichTextBlock handler method private void myRichTextBox_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkClickedEventArgs e) { system.Diagnostics.Process.Start(e.LinkText); } That is...

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Posted by on 12th February, 2010

Silverlight Validation & Tooltip Styles…

Silverlight Validation & Tooltip Styles…

Silverlight 3 comes with built-in validation for many of the input controls. Setting them up is fairly easy and they are styled well enough that you could use them right out of the box. If you would like to know how to set it up and also would like to customize the look and feel of the fields and validation message, this short tutorial will explain how to do just that. Silverlight...

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Posted by on 27th June, 2009

Web.config inheritance tip…

Web.config inheritance tip…

Mainly writing this entry so I don’t spend hours looking for a solution when I need it again, since I tend to forget rather quickly how exactly I solved a problem. In this case, I have a website that is ASP.NET 3.5 and a folder which contains a different .NET application. I understand that the web.config in the root of the site, will cascade down into the applications within by default. What if our application within uses different settings… how do we prevent the settings in the root to affect the child applications? Well, I learned that this can be accomplished in two parts. First there is a somewhat undocumented trick to instruct IIS that we do not want the settings to be inherited by child applications. You will need to wrap your <system.web> tag in a new tag, named <location> with the attributes as shown below: Web.config inheritance <location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false" > <system.web> [...] </system.web> </location> Note that this will show a red squigly line in Visual Studio...

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Posted by on 1st November, 2008

SharePoint Feature Deployment Tip.

SharePoint Feature Deployment Tip.

In a previous article, I have shown how to build a SharePoint Feature and here is just a trick that could save you quite some time… The issues is that when developing a SharePoint features (or any other component), you end up writing, compiling and testing your code many times over. The code you are writing is a separate component that, essentially, has to be taken from Visual Studio, registered in the GAC, plugged into SharePoint and then manually activated. Then you realize something isn’t working, you make a change to your code, compile and you end up with a new component, but you can’t try it, before turning off and “unplugging” the component that is currently plugged into SharePoint. And that is just the class…if you make changes to anything inside the Features folder, you have to remember to upload that as well… In other words, it requires several manual steps outside of the development environment that could consume a lot of time. To make it easier for myself, I...

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Posted by on 13th October, 2008

Microsoft Releases Silverlight 2…

Microsoft Releases Silverlight 2…

Microsoft Corp. today announced the availability of Silverlight 2, one of the industry’s most comprehensive and powerful solutions for the creation and delivery of applications and media experiences through a Web browser. Silverlight 2 delivers a wide range of new features and tools that enable designers and developers to better collaborate while creating more accessible, more discoverable and more secure user experiences. [button link=”” color=”#FFFFCC” size=”1″ style=”4″ dark=”1″]read...

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