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Posted by on 29th July, 2005

Large Accent Audio Database

Large Accent Audio Database

Everyone who speaks a language, speaks it with an accent. A particular accent essentially reflects a person's linguistic background. When people listen to someone speak with a different accent from their own, they notice the difference, and they may even make certain biased social judgments about the speaker. The speech accent archive is established to uniformly exhibit a large set of speech accents from a variety of language backgrounds. Native and non-native speakers of English all read the same English paragraph and are carefully recorded. [button link=”” color=”#FFFFCC” size=”1″ style=”4″ dark=”1″]read...

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Posted by on 7th July, 2005

Google Maps transparency

Google Maps transparency

Google Maps ( is, without question, a very cool tool and very cleverly designed. Now that Google has recently added a feature that allows you to view a satellite view of the area in focus and exposed the application's API, we are seeing some impressive implementations of visualizing maps. This particular one, allows you to superset a transparent "streetmap" over the satellite view. [button link=”” color=”#FFFFCC” size=”1″ style=”4″ dark=”1″]read...

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