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Posted by on 17th March, 2011

Hyperlink in RichTextBox

Hyperlink in RichTextBox

Today I learned that the default C# RichTextBox control does not handle hyperlinks out of the box. Wait, it doesn’t..? How is that possible? Yes, hard to believe. So, two hours later, I found a workaround: if you do want to have hyperlinks work, you need to do the following: First, set the DetectUrls property on the RichTextBox control to True. Then, open the Designer.cs file and find the generated code block for the RichTextBlock properties and handlers. Add the following line: Add RichTextBlock handler this.myRichTextBox.LinkClicked += new LinkClickedEventHandler(this.myRichTextBox_LinkClicked); Add the Eventhandler method Add RichTextBlock handler method private void myRichTextBox_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkClickedEventArgs e) { system.Diagnostics.Process.Start(e.LinkText); } That is...

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Posted by on 6th March, 2011

nopCommerce Ecommerce platform

nopCommerce Ecommerce platform

While researching options for a shopping cart module for an ASP.NET application, I came across several packages. Of course, I had already gone through the list of the popular players in this market: dotshoppingcart vevocart znode volusion aspdotnetstorefront Microsoft Commerce Server. And there are likely several more. However, most of these listed carry a hefty price tag and the ones that don’t just didn’t feel like the right choice for the app I am developing, based on reviews of developers who have had to work with them. However, one package, NopCommerce, impressed me out of the box: it is an open source e-commerce solution that is based on ASP.NET 4.0 and installs using Microsoft Web Platform Installer (in my case, on Arvixe Hosting). I was able to use it right away and the list of customizable features and options is vast. The jury is still out until I play with it some more, but from my initial research, this is the one I will be using for this project....

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