Pure CSS dynamic menus for IE
Have you ever heard that it is not possible to create pure CSS dynamic menus for IE? Am sure you have. But is this whole truth? This article will try to disprove it…...
Read MoreHave you ever heard that it is not possible to create pure CSS dynamic menus for IE? Am sure you have. But is this whole truth? This article will try to disprove it…...
Read MoreAs we all know, The @ sign separates the person from the machine for the Internet and e-mail alike: on the left the person, then the symbol @, then the domain serving the people. It may be the most commonly used key on your keyboard in the world; but where did it come from? Check it out:...
Read MoreThis is an URL to save in your favorites. it shows thumbnailed pictures of today's headlines from 260 U.S. and international newspaper front pages from 38 different countries....
Read MoreHere is a site with a good collection of interesting experiments. Some source code provided. Check it out:...
Read MoreThis amazing portal reminds us of what Flash is capable of and is cleverly applied to an application that we used to think "just could not be done in Flash". See for yourself how enjoyable surfing through this site is and you may even make it your homepage… Check it out: max2003.rr.com/flash/index.cfm (via...
Read MoreFor both breaking news and obscure information alike, people around the world search on Google at www.google.com. With a bit of analysis, this flurry of searches often exposes interesting trends, patterns, and surprises. On a monthly, weekly, and sometimes daily basis, the Google Zeitgeist page will be updated to reflect lists, graphs, and other tidbits of information related to Google user search behavior....
Read MoreGerman company that studies animate motion patterns and several aspects of visual perception and cognition created this neat Flash tool that demonstrates that biologically and socially relevant information about a person is conveyed in biological motion patterns. It allows you to manipulate a number of parameters controlling the characteristics of human walking. You can interactively change biological properties, personality traits and emotional expression of a point-light walker. Check it out: www.bml.psy.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Demos/BMLwalker.html or...
Read MoreFrom half-truths to the simply absurd, this link describes what the anti-Microsoft crowd thinks and also provides a generous list of alternative software. I do not agree, but my views are objective and respect other people's opinions. It is in any case, quite entertaining…Via Marcie Robillard....
Read MoreIf you have any e-mail addresses in the generated source of your site, especially in href=mailto: type links, there is a good chance that those addresses will later start receiving spam e-mails from any number of servers. Here are some good tricks to fool spammer spiders. written by Paul Riley. There is a simple Javascript trick and the rest is pretty much .NET, but if you develop in another language, you can still extract the concept and rewrite it to suit your platform. Fighting back against the e-mail...
Read MoreHere are some excellent articles, offering advice, tips and project related events some of us are well familiar with. All articles written by Matt Gullett: The Standalone Programmer: A question of quality Can a standalone developer develop high quality software and compete with teams of developers? The Standalone Programmer: Communicating with Users Communicating with users requires alot of experience and effort but can be easier by following some simple rules. The Standalone Programmer: Delivering high quality results Simple steps that can be taken to insure that high quality results are the norm, not the exception. The Standalone Programmer: Innovative Software Development Sometimes rules interfere with talent, skills and experience when innovation is needed The Standalone Programmer: Real Time Software Development Coping with the challenges of the real-time enterprise requires new skills, a commitment to change and some new approaches. The Standalone Programmer: Simple Performance Testing A simple framework for creating customized performance tests The Standalone Programmer: Tips from the trenches Being a standalone programmer can be as good or...
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