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Posted by on 24th September, 2007

Learn a new language II.

Learn a new language II.

I just posted about this yesterday but found a new site that has a concept I think is worth mentioning. I have just registered and have yet to play with it some more but it seems it has quite a bit of content. There are hours of free courseware for several languages as well, but mainly it focuses on allowing you to social network with people who speak the native language that you are trying to learn and vice versa. [button link=”” color=”#FFFFCC” size=”1″ style=”4″ dark=”1″]read...

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Posted by on 21st September, 2007

Learn a new language..

Learn a new language..

I think I have posted about learning a new language before and it not easy to find an application or software that is easy to use and free. Well, I came across this web based language application that, so far, is free and easy to use….really. They have several languages and it starts out really easy, assuming you have absolutely no experience whatsoever. [button link=”” color=”#FFFFCC” size=”1″ style=”4″ dark=”1″]read...

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Posted by on 17th September, 2007

Disable restart after Windows Update

Disable restart after Windows Update

“Do you like the annoying message that keeps asking you to restart your computer after installing windows updates every 10 minutes? If you choose ‘Restart Later’, this question will appear again every 10 minutes.” Here is a way to eliminate this behaviour… [button link=”″ color=”#FFFFCC” size=”1″ style=”4″ dark=”1″]read...

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Posted by on 6th September, 2007

Live Javascript form validation

Live Javascript form validation

I had to do some simple form validation the other day and thought to myself that, in our current Web 2.0 world, I should do it with AJAX since it is really everywhere and it didn’t even cross my mind todo it the old fashioned way with plain Javascript, which might do the job just a good. So, I stumbled upon Live Validation which offers a lightweight, open source javascript library to do just that: real time form validation with some very useful features. They have some excellent examples here and the code is decently commented. Definitively a must have in my toolbox! [button link=”” color=”#FFFFCC” size=”1″ style=”4″ dark=”1″]read...

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