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Posted by on 14th August, 2008

Intellisense not working in Visual Studio…

Intellisense not working in Visual Studio…

IntelliSense is Microsoft's implementation of autocompletion, best known for its use in the Microsoft Visual Studio integrated development environment. In addition to completing the symbol names the programmer is typing, IntelliSense serves as documentation and disambiguation for variable names, functions and methods using metadata-based reflection." (Wikipedia) So, I can’t quite remember when exactly Intellisense stopped working for me in Visual Studio 2008, but I know I have been without (automatic) Intellisense for quite a while.When typing a dot after an object or method, it used to just show up automatically… I could however have it come up by pressing <CTRL><SPACE> and eventually got in the habit of just doing that when I needed it, without attempting to find out exactly why it was broken in the first place… So, several months later, I stumble upon an entry by Richard Fennell, who explains how to fix it. I thought I’d post it for when it breaks again, I know where to find the answer… In Visual Studio 2008, select Tools...

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Posted by on 5th March, 2008

Silverlight 2.0 Beta 1 available….

Silverlight 2.0 Beta 1 available….

Finally Silverlight 2.0 Beta 1 has been released. This is a big release with lots of new features, as Scott Guthrie mentions: “Silverlight 2 includes a cross-platform, cross-browser version of the .NET Framework, and enables a rich .NET development platform that runs in the browser.” Developers can write Silverlight applications using any .NET language (including VB, C#, JavaScript, IronPython and IronRuby)." Of course I will be posting some new experiments very soon. Get the download, documentation, SDK and tools via...

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Posted by on 10th February, 2008

Visual Studio 2008 hotfix

Visual Studio 2008 hotfix

Visual Studio 2008 had several issues in its first release of slowing down or even freezing temporarily when developing web applications, especially large ones. This hotfix addresses some of these issues. A readme file included in the download details every issue covered in this hotfix. For more details check out Scott Guthrie’s post on this release. [button link=”″ color=”#FFFFCC” size=”1″ style=”4″ dark=”1″]read...

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Posted by on 13th November, 2007

How do I…?

How do I…?

I noticed this section recently in MSDN on how to accomplish certain tasks shown in brief 2 – 15 minute videos. There are many categories that range from ASP.NET to SilverLight to Visual Studio, etc. and each category contains a many topics. This is a link I will definitively store in my favororites. Especially useful for those of us sometimes too lazy to read… [button link=”” color=”#FFFFCC” size=”1″ style=”4″ dark=”1″]read...

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Posted by on 6th September, 2007

Live Javascript form validation

Live Javascript form validation

I had to do some simple form validation the other day and thought to myself that, in our current Web 2.0 world, I should do it with AJAX since it is really everywhere and it didn’t even cross my mind todo it the old fashioned way with plain Javascript, which might do the job just a good. So, I stumbled upon Live Validation which offers a lightweight, open source javascript library to do just that: real time form validation with some very useful features. They have some excellent examples here and the code is decently commented. Definitively a must have in my toolbox! [button link=”” color=”#FFFFCC” size=”1″ style=”4″ dark=”1″]read...

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Posted by on 6th April, 2007

Speed Test: Switch vs If-Else-If

Speed Test: Switch vs If-Else-If

Most of the times when I have to make the choice it really depends on the case…maybe I have only to check one or two cases, in which case, I choose if/else. However, I knew there was some sort of performance issue with one over the other, but never really knew the details. Well, the folks at BlackWasp have doen some extensive research and determined the pro’s and con’s, in terms of speed, of each of these two approaches. The .NET framework and the C# language provide two methods for conditional processing where multiple discrete values can be selected from. The switch statement is less flexible than the if-else-if ladder but is generally considered to be more efficient. [button link=”” color=”#FFFFCC” size=”1″ style=”4″ dark=”1″]read...

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Posted by on 6th December, 2006

A ton of Javascript How-To

A ton of Javascript How-To

When needing a particular Javascript function, I know where to find it….usually Google it or any of my many reference books. However, Googling it may not return the most accurate results and my reference books have many other topics, which may make it difficult to find. I keep a collection of links to many topics with useful tips, tricks and frequently used functions. This here is a large collection of quick How-To’s of you most common Javascript questions. [button link=”″ color=”#FFFFCC” size=”1″ style=”4″ dark=”1″]read...

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Posted by on 17th February, 2006

ASP.NET Web Application best practices

ASP.NET Web Application best practices

I Stumbled across this article by Ali Khan with some good guidelines for developing fast and efficient ASP.NET applications. Some I knew, others I did not, but nonetheless a comprehensive guide to things to keep in mind writing your next web application. [button link=”” color=”#FFFFCC” size=”1″ style=”4″ dark=”1″]read...

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Posted by on 17th September, 2005

Cheat Sheets for Developers

Cheat Sheets for Developers

Lets face it, unless you have a photographic memory, no developer can remember all the different functions, options, tags, etc. that exist. Documentation can be cumbersome at times, that's why I like cheat sheets. They are quick references that feature the most commonly forgotten things on a specific topic. You can print them out and hang them on your wall, or just keep them handy in your bookmarks for quick reference. Here are over 30 cheatsheets that developers might find useful… [button link=”” color=”#FFFFCC” size=”1″ style=”4″ dark=”1″]read...

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Posted by on 30th June, 2005

AJAX  in ASP.NET 2.0 or not?

AJAX in ASP.NET 2.0 or not?

No, not Ajax, Amsterdam football team. The other Ajax… the Asynchroneous Javascript and XML kind. A recent article by CNet hints that Microsoft is building software, code-named Atlas, that provides developers with tools designed to ease creation of AJAX-style applications. "Developers can use the Atlas software through Microsoft's Visual Studio 2005 development tools and the Web development framework ASP.Net 2.0, both of which are expected to ship in November." But….then there is this comment from the folks at MSDN product feedback in reply to a suggestion of officially adding AJAX support to Whidbey/ASP.NET 2.0: "Thank you for your suggestion. AJAX is definitively gaining attention and is something that the team has given thought to. Considering where we are in the product cycle, I hope you'll understand that it wouldn't be possible to do this in Whidbey but we'll evaluate the suggestion for a future release" So, what is it? Will the AJAX support be a separate piece that somehow will still work with Visual Studio 2005 to create ASP.NET...

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