Raining in Seattle
Unbelievable. Of course I had been warned about the amount of rain in Seattle before moving here. And figuring I had lived in South Florida for 6 years, I thought little else could top the frequent tropical rainstorms and floodings that I had experienced there. In Seattle it is not necesarily the amount of rain but it is this constant drizzle and grey, overcast skies that leads people to complain about the weather here. It really doesn't bother me too much.
It hasn't been cold enough for that rain to turn into snow yet, but it may happen tonight…temperatures are expected to fall so we may get a few inches of snow overnight… As of December 19th, 2005 it has not stopped raining and today marks the 26th day of consecutive rainfall. The record is 33 days and we are on the verge of breaking it…
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