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Posted by on 6th February, 2003

The Trend Towards Flash as a Tool for Web Application Development

Joe Welinske from WinWriters has written an excellent article about what Flash is offering to the Web App arena. If you are itching to build a web app with Flash but are hampered by management who is still not sold on Flash's abilities then you should send them this link post haste! A few of my favorite quotes include:

"Flash opens up a great many possibilities for user assistance. We can design the UA based on the needs of our users rather than the limitations of browser technology." and

"Of course, browser compatibility is always a first concern when we talk about escaping the cocoon of HTML. With Flash, browser compatibility is a non-issue. Flash works on Windows and the Mac and is bundled with Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, AOL, and Opera. This puts Flash in the hands of over 500 million users." (Flazoom)