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Posted by on 21st June, 2003

XML Tree Component Extension

I have just finished updating one of my flash applications where I needed a better way of displaying a category-items, type of structure. I used to have two dropdown boxes, that an AS parser would populate from XML. After some thought, I decided that a tree structure would be better and started looking at the tree component that is supplied in the 2nd bundle of Macromedia Flash components. I would have had to rewrite a lot of code to make it work with this component. Then I tripped over Greg Burch s tree component, an extension of the Macromedia FTree and FTreeNode classes, as well as some memory leak fixes, with the ability to directly load XML into the tree. A slight modification to my XML objects and voila, there is was almost working perfectly and with little effort. It is over a year old, but a great find. You can see it in action at A big thank you to Greg

If you have used or are planning to use the tree component in your Flash app, do not miss this excellent extension of this component. You can download it here:…