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Posted by on 21st September, 2003

Where is Code Navigation {} in Dreamweaver MX 2004?

I use Dreamweaver for every bit of Actionscript code that requires more than 5 lines and have gotten used to that. Switching between applications (FMX-DWMX) is second nature and one of the reasons was the ease of looking up function with the "Code Navigation" widget. This was a button in DWMX that was represented by "{}" and listed every function in the code by its name. Selecting a function would jump to the corresponding line in the code where the function started. This was very, very useful when working with large AS files containing many functions. I was very dissapointed to see that this button did not show with the new DWMX 2004 version and was nowhere to be found. But there is a trick to make it available. Danilo Celic shares the following tip on the Macromedia Forums: Open up DW Install/Configuration/Toolbars/toolbars.xml Around line 134, then uncomment the menubutton tag the has an id of DW_CodeNav. Close and restart DW, and you should now see the Code Nav...

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Posted by on 14th September, 2003

A software developer’s toolbox

If your a software developer, your probably are always looking for ways to improve your efficiency… look no further! Scott H. has put together a fairly interesting array of Power User Tools. No matter what your specialty or preference of programming language, you'll sure find something useful in this list to use for your projects. Scott Hanselmans...

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Posted by on 9th September, 2003

Third Party Extensions

Macromedia Flash MX 2004 and MX Professional 2004 have a new extensibility architecture which enables third parties to develop applications to extend and modify core Flash functionality , including Tools, Timeline Effects, Behaviors, Commands, and Components. Check out these new extensions already available for Flash MX 2004 here:...

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Posted by on 9th September, 2003

Stream Video without Communication Server

This has got to be one feature I love. With Flash MX 2004 and the new Flash 7 Player, you can now you can convert your movies to Flash Video (.FLV) using either Flash MX or Sorenson Squeeze and then simply stream (no preloading) it from your webserver. The code applied is ridiculously simple. See it in action here in my experiments...

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Posted by on 3rd September, 2003

C#, Flash MX and FlashComm

This experiment simply tries to use the streaming video capabilities of Flash MX and Flash Communication Server with a C# desktop software application or, in other words, a good ol' executable. See it in the experiments section and let me know if any...

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